"After doing a security survey of approximately 1700 of these interesting Web sites on the Internet (and another 500 as a control study)..."I will not release the names of the hosts or the raw data that I collected. As a matter of fact, I have sent it off-site and deleted all traces of it from my machine; I couldn't access it myself even if wished to. I will arrange to release the data to CERT (or perhaps another well-known response team) if they wish to get the data under a non-disclosure agreement for research purposes or perhaps to warn the sites that are potentially vulnerable.
"Using relatively crude, non-intrusive (i.e., no sites were actually broken into, no port- scanning was done, etc.), and, as far as I am aware of, perfectly legal techniques to analyze their security, I found that:"
"However, there are many ways to detect potential problems without actually breaking into a system."
All of the tests run in this survey could fall into one of two categories:
"...an additional 9-24% of these same hosts could be broken into if a single new bug were found (or known about by potential intruders) in either of two important and widely-used programs, wu-ftp and sendmail.I ran a "what if" simulation using SATAN against the 1700 surveyed hosts. A new bug that would effect all versions of sendmail would increase the percentage of vulnerable hosts by 8.65%. A new bug in wu-ftp version 2.4 would increase the percentage by 23.93%.
"And much of the security information that gets wide-spread popular coverage is so watered down or simply incorrect as to be almost useless."How many Columbus Day Virii do we need to be alarmed about before we catch on? Some of the problem is that most people don't have the technical ability to discriminate between a real potential problem and a fake one; the differences are sometimes subtle. And sometimes false alarms are essentially indistinguishable from the real thing. Even if the problem is real, it is often marred by translations from writers who don't understand the technology or issues involved. For instance, Kevin Mitnick was thought to be a super-cracker, someone who wrote amazing security programs and could break into almost any computer in the world. Not! Java and the WWW are rife with scare tactics and false alarms. To put it simply; modern multitasking, multiuser operating systems (like Unix, NT, and even to a certain degree MacOS and Win95) are incredibly complex things. They can do almost anything, and if you connect to networks there's a potential to get fucked over in a variety of ways; there is no easy path to security. Here are some very simple strategies to follow that might help, but above all, be educated, clever, and careful.
I'm really not trying to scare anyone here; simply because you know that you can get hit by a bus when crossing the street doesn't mean that it will happen or that you should live in fear of motorized vehicles (as if anyone will read this footnote anyway!) Anyway, here's a parody of a real virus scare that I found amusing. To quote it: "if this weren't a SERIOUS situation, WE WOULDN'T BE DISCUSSING IT IN 'ALL CAPS'."
"...is that with individual instances of computer crime on the Internet (e.g. breaking into the CIA)"I say "on the Internet" because other computer crimes are often significantly different. The old story about someone getting rich by having the bank accounting program steal a fraction of a penny from each transaction is very different, because banks employ very heavy audit trails for accountability reasons. The Internet has almost no digital trail, no electronic path that can be followed by pursuers, and what little there is is easily erased by would-be intruders (directly analogous to sweeping the trail behind you to obliterate your footsteps.) By the time you get to where you suspect the interloper was, all trace is probably gone.
"...is perhaps analogous to Jonathan Livingston Seagull buzz-bombing the elder gulls at speeds exceeding 100 MPH."Jonathan Livingston Seagull is a wonderful book by Richard Bach. In this book seagulls are only interested in eating and their slightly bizarre social order (sounds about right.) The protagonist (Jonathan) is a seagull who wants to fly. When he finally does learn some flying tricks and screams by the feeding grounds at high speed, the elder gulls banish him from the flock. A wonderful, heartwarming and spiritual work. Highly recommended, along with his other masterpiece, Illusions.
"The security ramifications of this are fairly staggering."It is amazing how much information you can gather from a remote host simply by connecting to a service and chatting with it (electronically, that is!) You can often tell what sort of system it is and what vulnerabilities exist - for instance, if you determine that a system is running the Apache web server, you can deduce that it is a Unix system, since the Apache server only runs (currently) on Unix hosts. Furthermore, if a CERT advisory warns you about security problems about a version of sendmail and tells you to run a new version of it, you can tell if a system is vulnerable or not by connecting to the SMTP and looking at the version number listed. Most network services are very friendly and will give you all sorts of information if you ask nicely. This is one of the main methods that SATAN uses to determine weaknesses in remote systems.
Netcraft's survey gives intruders a vast database of break-in information; you can simply query its database and determine potential targets. Note that it is easy to get this information on any individual host yourself - most WWW servers give out the version numbers whenever you talk to them (although you typically don't see this as a user, the browser guts do.) And while many people find the Netcraft information useful, interesting, and provocative, I would still strongly suggest that Netcraft remove such information from the publically accessible database.
" The survey was presumably detected in greater number than this; unfortunately there is no way to determine just how frequently it was discovered."
After releasing this document, I got the following note from an administrator who ran the "Lenin Project" machines:
Howdy. I wanted to write and congratulate you on your security survey; it's very useful information, though I doubt a lot of the people who should read through it are going to. Interestingly enough, I used to administer one of the machines you scanned; one of the few that probed you back during the scan. Since I've always had terrible luck complaining to sysadmins about probes, I did the next best thing: within 10 minutes of your initial scan,(The hosts.deny file refers to the TCP wrappers, which can be found on Wietse Venema's ftp site.; putting this entry in the configuration file means that connections from my machine were to be refused in the future.)ALL : .trouble.org : DENYwas in our hosts.deny file and the people in the systems group had mail messages telling them to watch for connections from the domain. I have since removed your domain from the file. :) I am fairly embarassed to admit, however, that the machine you scanned probably came up vulnerable due to an ancient version of sendmail that should have been upgraded long ago. However, since we decommissioned the machine early this morning, I guess it's no longer an issue.
This was possibly a common response from sites that detected the survey but weren't willing to go to the effort of contacting me, my ISP, or a CERT directly (the TCP wrappers are very popular and easy to use), but I'll never know just how frequent it was. The lack of success that this system administrator had (with her/his reporting security problems to remote sites) might be the same reason that others didn't contact me in greater numbers.
I'll leave it to you to judge how wise it was to remove my domain name from the hosts.deny file ;-)
" There are many technical strategies to keep in mind while attempting to keep a site secure, and, combined with the incredible fluidity and dynamism of computer security today, it is increasingly difficult to use techniques and architectures that are ill-designed for our current situation."
Most of the protocols, programs, and computer in use today were designed a long time ago (in computer or dog years, that is), and while many perform admirably, quite a few suffer from the rapidly changing social and technical environment that we live in. They are very much ingrained in our culture and our existing technology base, however, and it is very difficult to change them.
"Farmer's law says that the security on a computer system degrades the more you use the system."Rarely do security incidents happen simply because an intruder is being brilliant. Most potential problems are there due to carelessness or lack of foresight, either in the architecture, design, and implementation side or in the maintenance of the system by the system administrator. As time goes on the chances that someone will discover problems of the former type go up (e.g. the more people use an operating system, the more problems will be found.) And people make mistakes - the more system administrators or users there are on a system, the greater the likelihood is that a mistake will be made, and that intruders can find their way past the defenses of the system.
Someone else probably has said this better, but I've been saying this for years and I haven't read it anywhere else, so I'm claiming it for now ;-)
"Unfortunately, unlike the financial market, there are no organizations of note that rate or give any assurance that sites are secure."Some might point to the NCSA as an organization that does just this. If someone said this to me I would repeat my previous quote. While I have yet to meet an organization that is entirely without merit, I have so many issues with the NCSA and their firewall and web server certification it is difficult to know where to begin to criticize them. Here are some of the more damaging problems:
They do have a great, very true slogan, however:
"Security is not a one-time event. It is a continual process."
How true, how true.
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